Book Lists
Books and Videos We Recommend

There are a great deal of books and videos on dogs and dog training. Quite frankly, many of them are pretty "antiquated" in their approach and are not very good. We do not recommend a book or video if it suggests physically punishing your dog in any form. We do not recommend books and videos that advocate choke collars, prong collars, shock collars, or the "alpha rollover." We believe these training tools and methods are unnecessary and have great potential to harm you and your dog. 

Books We Do NOT Recommend

There are many books on dog training and canine behavior that are extremely outdated and contain information that is potentially dangerous and/or inhumane. Many of these books also promote some very erroneous and deceptive ideas about dogs and dog behavior. At Green Acres we feel that we have an ethical responsibility to guide you away from these books. While the following list is not all encompassing, it does list several books that we find seriously flawed.


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