Veterinarians Say Never Use Shock

Vets Make Recommendations on Selecting A Dog Trainer and Suggest Never Using Shock Collars

Green Acres Kennel Shop has been warning dog guardians about the danger of using electronic shock collars for training and confinement for many years ( and Veterinarians attending the North American Veterinary Conference Post Graduate Institute in Advanced Clinical Behavioral Medicine in Orlando have done the same as reported on, the blog of pet columnist Steve Dale.

Dale's article (Vets on Behavior Proclaim, Never Use Shock Collar) quotes Dr. Karen Overall and Dr. Kersti Seksel, both board certified veterinary behaviorists.

The veterinarians attending this conference also developed a list of recommendations for choosing a dog trainer. They encourage dog guardians to select a trainer who focuses on rewarding behavior and uses treats, head halters, harnesses, clickers, plain old buckle collars, and praise. They recommend dog guardians avoid any trainer that uses shock collars, choke collars, prong collars and that focuses on punishment and the need to dominate.

You can read Dale's entire article at:


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