Wysong DentaTreat™

If you find brushing your pet’s teeth a challenge you should consider using Wysong DentaTreat™ as an alternative to brushing.

dentatreatPaula and I have been using DentaTreat™ with our pets for several years. We will be the first to admit that we are not very diligent about brushing our pets’ teeth. It's a difficult habitat to establish and so easy to break. That's what makes DentaTreat perfect for people like us - you just sprinkle it on your pet's food at every meal and... voila! The dental-active natural cheeses, minerals, and apple polyphenols in DentaTreat go to work, keeping their mouths clean and healthy. Yeah, we know... that sounds way too good to be true, but the fact is when we use DentaTreat with the fur kids it has greatly reduced our need for cleanings at the veterinarians. If you want all of the technical details, you can read more at - http://bit.ly/yxM1Oj


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