Podcast – Pets in the News No. 8

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< Updated 14MAR20 >

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In this episode of The Woof Meow Show from March 14th, 2020, Kate and Don discuss several recent articles in the news about dogs and cats. The topics they discuss include; cats and some of the things we do that cause our feline friend’s undue stress. Directly related to that is an article that discusses the best way to pet a cat, so it is an enjoyable experience for both you and the cat. Then we divert to dogs, answering the question, why does my dog kick when I scratch him a certain place? Next, we look at seasonal allergies, an issue for both people and pets, and how climate change is likely to make the suffering from seasonal allergies worse. We address two common training questions; the puppy that doesn’t like to go for a walk and the dog that bites at his leash. Also, we discuss an article that explains why some foods make better training rewards than others. You can find links to all of the articles we discussed below.

Links to Articles from the Show

10 Things You Might Do That Stress Your Cat Out, Dr. Karen Becker, healthy pets, 11FEB20 – https://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2020/02/11/causes-of-stress-in-cats.aspx

When Petting Your Kitty Think Like A Cat, Dr. Karen Becker, healthy pets, 28JAN20 – https://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2020/01/28/places-to-pet-your-cat.aspx

Is That the Spot! Why Does My Dog Kick When I Scratch Him?, Dr. Jean Dodds, Hemopet, 2FEB20 – https://www.hemopet.org/is-that-the-spot-why-does-my-dog-kick-when-i-scratch-him-scratch-reflex/

Climate Change Can Affect Seasonal Allergies, Dr. Jean Dodds, Hemopet, 9FEB20 – https://www.hemopet.org/climate-change-can-affect-seasonal-allergies/

Puppy Doesn’t Want to Walk Outside, Karen London PhD, BARk, FEB20 – https://thebark.com/content/puppy-doesnt-want-walk-outside

The Strongest Reinforcers, Nancy Kerns, Whole Dog Journal, 26FEB20 – https://www.whole-dog-journal.com/blog/the-strongest-reinforcements/

How Can I Stop My Dog From Biting on the Leash, Karen London PhD, BARk, OCT29 – https://thebark.com/content/how-can-i-stop-my-dog-biting-leash


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Shared Blog Post – (Declawing Cats) Still Common in the US, yet Banned in Several Countries – Why Is This Happening?

In this blog post from August 15th, 2017, veterinarian Dr. Karen Becker notes: “Declawing of cats is still legal in the U.S., and sadly, it’s still somewhat common, It’s important to understand that declawing is not nail removal, it’s the permanent amputation of bones in each of your cat’s toes, A recent study concluded that declawed cats have more pain and behavior issues than non-declawed cats, The study’s authors hope their results will encourage veterinarians to reconsider declawing cats, and There are many alternatives to declawing your cat, starting with providing appropriate scratching surfaces and training kitty to use them.” [Emphasis added]

To read the entire post, just click on the link – http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2017/08/15/declawing-de-toeing-cats.aspx?